Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Review Sheet for Supply & Demand & Advertising Test TOMORROW March 18th (Wednesday)

Review Sheet for Supply & Demand Test TOMORROW MARCH 18th!
-law of supply
-law of demand
-elasticity of supply
- elasticity of demand
- how do you know if an item is elastic or inelastic? What is the equation?
- how do you graph supply and demand by using a table of information?
- what information goes on the x axis of the graph?
- what information goes on the y axis of the graph?
- how do you figure out the market price on the graph?
- be able to explain the following advertising strategies/techniques and targeted groups
- emotional appeal
- rational appeal
- slogans/puffery
- belonger lifestyle
- inner directed lifestyle
- emulator lifestyle
- achiever lifestyle

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