Thursday, March 12, 2009

Class update

Hi everyone,

So this 1st marking period is winding down and I hope that you are working to make up missed work. The end of the marking period is this upcoming Wednesday so I'd like ALL late homework turned in on Monday THE LATEST.

I have already started making phone calls to parents/guardians of students who have lots of missing work, etc. This is to help you and to get you motivated to finish up your senior your strong and living up to your potential!

The last couple of days we've been learning about advertising and I'm looking forward to see the ad campaigns that you put together for class due Monday, March 16th. Remember to hand in a one-page analysis of the techniques and strategies that you used and a brief explanation of everyone's roles/contributions in the group.

After this assignment is due we will have a test on Supply and Demand and then start studying for the Blue Star Financial Literacy Test (on Thursday, May 8th!)

Here's a website for more information on what to expect:

See you in class!

Ms. Rosenberg

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